## about me
Content of today's presentation
[Maker] CNC, CAD&CAM development boards power supply [SysAdmin] Config Mgt monitoring [Data Analysis] data provider visualization[Documentation]
Wiktionary.org: Helotism (zoology): A form of mutualism in which one species is forced to perform tasks for another, for their mutual benefit.
The Goals
keeping up with IT changes
solid Linux sysadmin skills are the foundation for "Big Data"
##TOGAF: "Domains" & Building Blocks
- chipping vs. 3D-printing
- CAD4c Computer-Aided Design for clamping
Enthusiast's Small Batch Manufacturing
Development Boards
The market for development boards is confusing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_single-board_computers is a good overview.
##Development Boards: Common Features
- Computation: Processor and Memory
- Communication through Ethernet/…
- Powersupply: Consumption, buttons
- Interaction via GPIO
- Fixture: Mounting holes and dimensions
- Storage: SD cards and beyond
- Synchronization: RTC time
-> see repo
##Power Consumption
Rule of thumb:
- 1 Pi idle == 2.5W (5V * 0,5 A)
- 1 Pi under load, no USB == 5W (5V * 1 A)
Caveat: GPIO-pins are no USB ports ;)
- 5V passed straight through from USB
- 3.3V rail max 50mA
- GPIO pins 16ma in total
##Operating System
1. archlinuxarm.org
* all saltstack dependencies met
2. archlinuxarm.org
* up-to-date systemd (229-3 in march 2016)
3. archlinuxarm.org
* pre-compiled ;)
4. Raspbian/DietPi/Debian Jessie
* Raspbian "Jessie" December 2015, systemd "216"
##Alles wegabstrahieren!
- prevent brown-out
- one switch for all boards
- hardware
- code
[raspberry-pi-geek.com On-Off-Switch](http://www.raspberry-pi-geek.com/Archive/2013/01/Adding-an-On-Off-switch-to-your-Raspberry-Pi "Adding an On/Off switch to your Raspberry Pi")
##scale out
##Python logic…
b = mraa.Gpio(20)
b.isr(mraa.EDGE_FALLING, handleInterrupt, handleInterrupt)
def handleInterrupt(args):
button20.pressed = True #that's a fact, but...
button20.pressed_debounced = False
interrupted_at = datetime.datetime.now()
debounce_until = interrupted_at + datetime.timedelta(0,3)
while True:
if (datetime.datetime.now() > debounce_until):
#print("past debounce")
journal.send('GPIO20 pressed DEBOUNCED.', FIELD2='GPIO20')
button20.pressed_debounced = True
#print("not debounced yet")
journal.send('GPIO20 pressed, not debounced', FIELD2='GPIO20')
time.sleep(0.5) #inside this interrupt handler only
##…and systemd daemonization.
Description=An GPIO interrupt listener
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'cd /opt/helotism/powersupply-env; \
source bin/activate; \
python ./mraa_interrupt.py'
##SaltStack Ecosystem
##SaltStack top file
base: # environment
'web*': # targeted minions
- apache # state file 'apache.sls'
- the top.sls is a special state file as "entry point" into the fileserver
- "apache" references ```./apache.sls``` file
##SaltStack state file
{% if grains['os'] == 'Debian' %}
apache: apache2
{% elif grains['os'] == 'RedHat' %}
apache: httpd
{% endif %}
- Jinja2 template language
- one should read the fine manual: http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/dev/
##SaltStack environments
- /srv/salt/dev
- /srv/salt
- environments are configured in the master config file
##SaltStack fileserver
fileserver_backend: #first filename match wins
- roots
- git
- git://github.com/example/first.git
- https://github.com/example/second.git
- root: salt #subdirectory
- mountpoint: salt://sub/dir
- base: myTag05 #git branch
- file:///root/third
#top_file_merging_strategy: merge #same
#env_order: ['base', 'dev', 'prod']
- these are powerful configuration mechanisms: "infrastructure as code" served from a Git repo
- many ways to segment or override
##Sample Salt Usage
#remote execution?
salt '*' cmd.run 'uname -a'
#listing and accepting keys
salt-key -L
salt-key -A
salt '*' test.ping
#targeting by grains
salt -G 'os:(RedHat|Debian)' test.ping
#more sound than test.ping
salt-run manage.up
#apply common.sls on all (accepted) minions
salt '*' state.sls common
#This is the "endgame" in salt
salt '*' state.highstate
#remote execution!
salt '*' cmd.run 'uname -a'
##ToDo: Scale-down and Simplify
- three RPi 2 or RPi3
- bootstrap.sh script from ArchLinux ARM iso to "cluster"
- keep formfactor to a minimum
- still a switch is needed
- and a button
- and a RTC
##ToDo: More Hardware Diversity
- PINE64
- GBit ethernet wanted
##ToDo: Config Mgt and IoT
![Microsoft Applications on Linux](/business/marketing/presentation/images/kickstarter_micro-python.jpg)