
The slides of a lecture/presentation on 2017-03-12 @ Chemnitzer Linux Tage

Christian Prior

##Eventbus - 0mq implementation - almost invisible but powerful ``` #a first example how to use salt in the command line sudo salt-run state.event pretty=True ``` - accesible via REST API
## About Me ![](/business/marketing/presentation/images/about-cpr.svg)
## Usecase Industrial Solutions ![](/business/marketing/images/spareparts.svg) - long-term hard- and software support necessary
## Usecase Data Massaging ## Installer script for a 250€-cluster solving basic sysadmin requirements ![](/business/marketing/images/helotism-scope.svg)
##ecosystem ![](/application/physical/images/saltstack-ecosystem-orbital.svg)
## Infrastructure as Code ![](/application/physical/images/oscfgmgt_demo-setup.svg)
##Development [Github repo saltstack/salt]( - Issues, PullRequests - Active project, supporters by Saltstack HQ - Good athmosphere
##support - GitHub [Issues]( - freenode \#salt - Google Group [salt-users](!forum/salt-users) - commercial contracts
##technology - Python 2.6 < 3.0 - ZeroMQ - "dictionaries"/YAML
##installation 1/2 [Platform Guides]( [Dependencies]( - PyYAML, ZeroMQ and a few more //PyGit is problematic: ArchLinux does it out of the box. (Later more.)
##bootstrap 2/2 [docs]( [repo]( [options]( ```bash curl -o -L --silent -k; sleep 2; $_SUDO sh -s -- -U -P -M -L -A mysaltmasterid -i myminionid git v2016.11.3 ```
##dependencies Standard dependencies handled well with distros My personal killer feature 'source control integration' typically requires self-compiling libgit2. [pygit2 installation]( [libgit2 installation]( [good hint]( ```python -c 'import pygit2'``` must work to use e.g. GitHub repos as "fileserver"
## default configuration - configuration: /etc/salt/ -> master & master.d, minion & minion.d - broadcasted data: /srv/salt - confidential data: /srv/pillar - packages: formulas [docu]( [repo](
##major functional components message queue, remote execution, [target]( state* runs, hard- and software inventory, [orchestration]( ##auxiliary functional components [event reactors](*, to spin up cloud instances, proxy-control non-python-devices, salt via ssh
##SaltStack state file ```YAML #apache.sls {% if grains['os'] == 'Debian' %} apache: apache2 {% elif grains['os'] == 'RedHat' %} apache: httpd {% endif %} ``` - Jinja2 template language - one should read the fine manual:
##Beacons on the minions ```YAML beacons: inotify: /opt/helotism/show-cfgmgt_venv/performance.yml: mask: - modify disable_during_state_run: True ``` ##Reactors on the master ```YAML reactor: - salt/beacon/*/inotify/opt/helotism/show-cfgmgt_venv/config.yml: - /srv/reactor/show-cfgmgt.sls ```
##features remote filesystems salt://, environments "base/qa/dev/...", API, access control "external_auth", file manipulation
##environments ![](/application/physical/images/saltstack-ecosystem.svg)
#Walkthrough: How does it look?
## Minion Management MinionID usually hostname ``` sudo salt-key -L salt-key -a``` ```sudo ls -R /etc/salt/pki/```
##Configuration Fileserver ```YAML fileserver_backend: - roots - git ```
##Configuration Fileserver Root Directories ```YAML file_roots: base: - /srv/salt - /srv/formulas/users-formula - /home/cpr/helotism/mypesp8266-formula ```
##Configuration gitfs ```YAML gitfs_remotes: - - name: cpr - root: application/physical/saltstack/assets/srv/salt - base: master - pubkey: /etc/pki/ - privkey: /etc/pki/id_saltmaster - - name: saltstack-not-yet-formulas - root: application/physical/saltstack/srv/salt - base: master ```
##remote execution ```sudo salt 'saltmaster' pkg.install emacs``` ```sudo salt 'saltmaster' pkg.version emacs``` ```sudo salt 'saltmaster' pkg.purge emacs && sudo apt-get autoremove```
##grains ```sudo salt 'saltmaster' grains.items```
## Simple State Files /srv/salt/top.sls with common.sls containing Jinja2
##Generic State File YAML ```YAML <ID Declaration>: <State Module>: - <Function> - <Function Arg> - <Function Arg> - <Function Arg> - <Name>: <name> - <Requisite Declaration>: - <Requisite Reference> - <Requisite Reference> ```
##Sample nginx proxy cache [github repo](
##formulas - pre-written Salt States - clone and change file_roots - adjust pillar.example into own /srv/pillar file Example: My user configuration
##proxy-minion Interface to devices with e.g. an API
##salt-cloud ```salt-cloud --list-locations digitalocean``` ```salt-cloud -p minion test2``` ```salt-cloud -d minion test2```
##Jinja2 Python template engine - state files are by default parsed as Jinja templates [control structures]( [whitespace control](
##Troubleshooting - ```-l debug``` - ```--out=pprint```
##Pythonic gotchas dictionaries everywhere
##Windows minion Really easy to install! [Windows repository]( ```sudo salt 'mywinnb' pkg.install blender``` [salt-winrepo-ng](
##state vs. remote execution [remote execution]( [state modules](
#Questions? slides linked tomorrow on